Cheap Garden Seeds

I love all of the fresh fruits and vegetables that I am getting from my garden as well as my mother-in-laws garden. I wish we could have them all year long. I also wish that they were not so expensive to buy in the store. My husband and I decided that we needed to start a larger garden for next year to help with the grocery budget. The one problem we have is the start up cost of a garden. We are planning a square foot garden this year . (You should really check out this site) To help save on the cost of seeds I am trying to save a set of seeds from each vegetable that I prepare for my family. Some seeds are really easy to save, especially squash. I am sure that there are a few that I will still have to buy next year, but hopefully my preplanning will help some. The best part about these seeds is they are FREE!

I usually just take the seeds out of whatever I am preparing and wash them well and then let them drain. I then take them outside to dry in the sun for at least 12 hours. I then put them in bags and label them with the type of seed they are as well as the month and year I packed them. I hope that by spring I will have a nice assortment of seeds to choose from.

What do you do to help save money in the garden?
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Heather said...

I have always wondered how you save seeds for the next season; thanks!!

Anonymous said...

I haven't saved seeds but I start my own plants from seeds. I was going to try some this yr and see how it goes.