My First Giveaway! CLOSED

Sorry if you did not get in on this. Check back next week to see what I am giving away.
I am so excited to be offering my first giveaway. This week I am offering 1 Bath and Body Works Scent Port along with numerous Bath and Body Works coupons, including 2 coupons for a FREE scent port with any purchase. I know that these coupons are no longer available. If you were not able to get in on this coupon here is your chance to get 2.
The other 3 coupons are for 1 FREE product with a $10 purchase, 1 coupon for $10 off a $30 purchase, and 1 coupon for $15 off a $50 purchase.
You could very easily combine some of these for a great deal!

To enter all you have to do is leave me a comment below and on Friday I will randomly chose a winner. Good Luck!

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Queen of the House said...

Wow, I'd love to try that out! Thanks for the chance to win.

Lisa said...

I would love to be entered in the drawing. Thanks for the encouraging words and your post on SAHM was great.

Mistress Meeyee said...

count me in please!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jackie K said...

Pick me Pick me! I would love to win something:)

Saved By Grace said...

Oh yeah, count me in. I love that store.

LongfeetKids said...

This is definitely something I've wanted to try for a while now!!

Maria said...

What a great giveaway. I hope I win.

lerinleigh said...

I didn't realize the coupon was no longer available... :( I really want to try these!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to win this! Please enter me in the giveaway! Thank you

AMITY said...


AJH said...

This looks like something I would love to try! Bath and Body Works has such great stuff! Thanks for offering this!

Christian Frugal Mama said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

thanks for all your good tips. I'm new to motherhood and new to blogs:)

Kerri in WV said...

Anything Bath and Body has got to be great! Please enter me :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, would be great!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing.
Thank you!


Anonymous said...

I always enjoy trying new ways to give my home a fresh, welcoming scent. Thanks for a chance to try it for free!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, this looks great. I didn't realize the coupon was no longer available - was planning on giving some out as Christmas presents :(. Count me in!

bperson1970 said...

I love bath and body

Nydia said...

great giveaway! I got the bath and body works coupon info too late, and didnt get to print any.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Horray on your first one! I love B&BW!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I missed out on the coupon, too! Thanks for another chance! What an encouraging blog!

Unknown said...

Fun giveaway! I love Bath & Body! :)

Whitney said...

LOVE Bath and Body Works! Great giveaway!

the perpetual optimist said...

Congrats on your first giveaway! How fun! :)

I love Bath & Body Works!

BTW, your portrait is darling!

Mrs.Wilson said...

Thanks for this giveaway! I love bath and body works!

Anonymous said...

I would love the chance to win! cmb117 @

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway! I LOVE Bath and Body home scents. Especially the fall fragrances ;o) Count me in!!


My Name Is Michelle said...

I love to have a chance to win!

Jessica Morris said...

what a great prize!!
thanks for offering this!

Nanci said...

Wow! I'd love to try this. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of this thing before. Sounds neat!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a cool prize. Thanks.

Honey said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I came over from moneysavingmom.

Anonymous said...

wow! thank you for such an opportunity! who doesn't love a great smelling home :)

mommagurl32 said...

I would love to have this. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Looks lovely! I've never smelled that but if it comes from bath & body I'm sure it's delectable. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Would make a great Christmas gift. I LOVE Bath and Body Works. I think I have every scent they ever made! Thanks for the opportunity!

Gail said...

I am new to all this blogging and love giveaways! Thanks.

Jenny said...

Oh, I would love this! I tried to print this coupon but I was too late - it was already gone ofline. Oh, I hope I win! :)

laxmom said...

I love Bath & Body Works. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I am excited about the giveaway, thanks.


Jennifer said...

This is a great giveaway. Count me in.

Anonymous said...

love Bath & Body Works! Thnank you so much for entering me in your generous giveaway :) Sharon D.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

sweet! i would love the chance to try that. thanks for the contest!

Loy said...

eeewww!!Bath and Body works, that's all you had to say.

Rachell Mom of 5 said...

Wow would love to have this I am a mother of five that always just gets basic essentials would love to be able to splurge. said...

Great giveaway!

K and/or K said...

I would love to win this and smell yummy! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I love scentport - my fav is the sandalwood vanilla

lacie37 said...

Thanks for the giveaway, i love Bath and Body Works.


Pamela Vest said...

I love bath and body works proucts. Thanks for the chance

Unknown said...

I love Bath and Body Works! I hope I win. Thanks!


S. said...

Bath and Body works is one of my favorite stores! I'd love to be entered for a chance to win! Thank you for such a great giveaway :)

Elizabeth F. said...

I love Bath and Body Works. I've never tried the Scent Ports though.

efuson_2000 at yahoo dot com

rylie's mom said...

Cool giveaway. Thanks!

AmandaK said...

I'd love to win!! This would be a perfect Christmas gift for someone I know!


Lana said...

I love Bath and Body Works, it's like the newest calgon, take me awayyyyyyyy...

MariaJoy said...

Oh I love Bath & Body Works!!

Nicole Bateman | said...

I love B&BW...great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to enter.

(I’m having a complete blog makeover giveaway as part of the carnival… This is in NOW WAY a hint…purely shameless self-promotion!) ;)

The Dreamer said...

I have never seen these before...I guess you can tell how much I shop! Please enter me in for the chance to win. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh... I've been wanting to try these! Thank you!!

Judy said...

How sad that I've never even heard of this line in B&BW???? I love their stuff, though, so I know it has to be good! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Jennifer said...

I love some Bath and body works! Thanks for the chance!!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

cpullum said...

This is on my daughters Christmas list and mine too!!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

pick me pick me.....please

WendyDarling said...

Thank you for participating. :-)

Mer said...

I'd love to try this! B&BW has such wonderful scents so I'd have so much fun picking out which ones to try first.

altermyworld said...

that looks awesome thank you for the chance to win.

Elissa said...

I could smell better. Pick me, please!

Paige said...

I bet it smells great...I am soooo addicted to B&BWs!!!!

Mark and Emma said...

I love the scentports! Thanks!

fancyfeet48 said...

count me in. I love that store

Kat said...

me too, I'd like to enter!

My mom would love this!


jessiejaws said...

Enter me in this contest. I love Bath and Body Works. Sometimes I go in the stores just to get a sniff.

M.E. said...

Great giveaway! Thanks!

getpalmd said...

Would be nice to try!

Anonymous said...

Bath and Body Works ROCKS! Thanks for the giveaway!

you da mom! said...

i just went in there the other day to buy some soap. i love that store! thanks so much for the giveaway!

Brandy said...

oh wow what a neat giveaway.


Angie said...

This would be such a treat to win! I never buy any perfume for myself..thank you for offering it!
And, I love the picture of you with your cute!

Amber said...

Please enter me - thanks!

Lucinda H said...

What a nice contest and great prize, I love B&B! Thanks!

Momnerd said...

I love B&B works and I'd love to try this! Thanks!
sharlacarbine at gmail dot com

Kat said...

I love Bath and Body Works. Thanks for offering this.

Katy said...

YIPPEE!!!! It sounds great! I, of course, would love to win! Thank you so much! :o)

thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com

Amber said...

Love Bath and Body Works :) Thank you and please enter me!

malleycc said...

That looks great. Please enter me. Thanks

Stacy said...

I have never seen this, it looks really cool.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Cynthia said...

Fabulous giveaway! Please enter my name!

Andrea Cherie said...

Oooh! Great giveaway!

Andria said...

B&B!!! Please sign me up! THANKS!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win a goodie!

koopermom said...

I love B&BW! Thanks for the Giveaway!!

Ashley said...

I love Bath and Body Works. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Re said...

Great giveaway! I hope i’m the lucky winner!

Anonymous said...

Wow cool giveaway!

Love your site.

The Brutsman Family said...

I love to take my girls to Bath & Body works. It's so much fun for them to try out all the lotions and body sprays.

409cope said...

I love bath & both shop! Great giveaway.

April said...

I love Bath and Body Works!! Thanks!!

Lisa said...

I love BBW! Thanks for the shop!

Unknown said...

I love Bath & Body Works! What a fab giveaway...thank you!

Rita T. said...

You have such a pretty blog! Thank you for your generosity in a giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I love Bath and Body Works :)

lmkirb said...

Just walking past the Bath & Body Works always smells soooo nice!! I could honestly go crazy in there!! There is always new scents and year after year they have amazing products for Christmas!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE Bath & Body Works!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

Trish said...

Wow, this sounds awesome! I love BBW, and anything that smells yummy. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Crystal said...

Great giveaway!

Suze said...

I love BBW, and I'm gonna hang out at your site reading for a bit..I'm still working, although I aspire to be a SAHM!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! I love bath and body works! Every single Black Friday- that is my first stop!

Lalycairn said...

I adore Bath and Body Works products!

Thanks for the give away.

Lalycairn (at)

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

I would LOVE to win! Thanks for the chance!
give_me_a_latte at yahoo

Christy said...

That sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh! Pick me! Pick me! ;O)

Cami said...

I pretty much love anything from Bath & Body Works!

janaemadsen said...

pick me please

Anonymous said...

I love B&BW, and would love to try this. Thanks for the giveaway!

zarache AT aol DOT com

CrystalGB said...

I love Bath and Bodyworks. Thanks for the giveaway.

Mindy said...

I love Bath & Body Works!!

the schros said...

great giveaway

Anonymous said...

Thank You for offering this great giveaway!


Liz said...

What a great giveaway! I love Bath and Body Works! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in your drawing as well. Thanks!! Karen

Anonymous said...

I would love to try this; we just got a cat and are sure in need of this.

kamewh said...

Thank you for the great giveaway!

kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Carole Burant said...

I've never tried Bath & Body Works...I feel so deprived!!!! lol Please enter my name in your drawing, thank you so much!

Karen A. said...

I love Bath and Body Works products. Hoping to win this.

Anonymous said...

This sound lovely! Please enter me in the drawing!

butter3295 (at) msn (dot) com

Wendy aka Misswendiki said...

I love BBW, especially their house-smelly things. I'd love to win!e

Emily said...

Thanks for offering it!

princesslimey (at) gmail (dot) com

Sarah said...

I'd love to be entered!

Thanks so much and please feel free to check out my giveaway here...

Amanda said...

I would love to try this out- thanks!

Audra said...

I can smell it already!

Thanks so much for the AWE-some Give-oh-Way!

Suzie Williams said...

Okay, I had no idea what a scentport was so I went and looked it up. Looks very nice! I would love to put that in our bedroom.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I love Bath and Body Works products.



Anonymous said...

I'd love one of these...They smell awesome!
Thanks for such a fun giveaway!

Pam (meanestmother) said...

Would love to try this!!! The coupons would be great for Christmas for my girls presents!

Pam (meanestmother) said...

Would love to try this! Can't wait to win!

Anonymous said...

I love Bath and Body works products. They all smell so good. This looks really neat, I would love to try it.

Angie said...

Now that is something that I would totally love to try. I haven't found anything from Bath and Body that I don't like.

Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

My SIL loves BNB. I would love to give this to her! Thanks for the generous offer!

Frugal in Virginia said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I love Bath and Body Works!

Tracy said...

Count me in! I love almost every fragrance they offer!

Anonymous said...

I would love this! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Bebemiqui said...

I haven't tried these yet and I'd like to.

Rach said...

Count me in!

Lora Lease said...

Great prizes! :)

crystal said...

I love Bath & Body - I'd love to win!

Anonymous said...

this would be great!bet it smells great!

§wanny said...

I adore bath and body!!!

I would love to win this

thinkingbrain135 said...

I didn't even know B&BW had a "scent port." Can you tell how long it's been since I've shopped for myself? This looks delightful. Thanks for the opportunity!

Kathryn said...

I can't believe I missed the coupons!I would love to the chance to win them.

Megan said...

This is a great giveaway

Unknown said...

Please enter me, thanks!

Mia said...

hope i win!

Kate said...

Great giveaway, hope to win!

Kristin W. said...

looks great! i love bath & body works!
thanks for the giveaway!

Kristy said...

I love Bath and Body Works and would love to win!

Anonymous said...

I love smelly-good stuff :) It's really nice of you to offer up a chance to win one!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in. I love this store, but live in a rural area and it is over 100 miles for me to drive to the mall. I do order online but that can be expensive when you add shipping.Keep up the good work

Unknown said...

sounds like a great giveaway!


Fiddle D. Dee said...

This sounds wonderful! Thanks for a chance to enter@

Anonymous said...

Please enter me! Thanks for the chance! :)

Jessica said...

Thanks for the giveaway and have a safe and Happy Halloween.

Anonymous said...

I love B&BW. I would love to try this.

Anonymous said...

Wow would love to be entered :)
Thanks for the giveaway !!

Kathy - mom of many said...

That looks really cool! I love B&BW.


toohotforturtle said...

My name is Tricia, and I am a Bath and Body Worksaholic ...:)

Heidi said...

This would be great. Thanks.

Suz said...

I love Scentports!

txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

I love having scented items around the house.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to get some new, smelly, good stuff :D Thanks for the giveaway :)


Philana said...

i'd love to try this thanks!

pinklady705 said...

My eyes almost popped out of my head when I say the way your name was spelled on the list of all othe blog giveaways. My name is Lorrie as cool is that.

eyeslikesugar said...

How fantastic! Thank you for this giveaway; I hope I win :)
eyeslikesugar (at) gmail (dot) com

Editor Cassandra said...

Those coupons make for some awesome savings!

thatwemightfly AT gmail DOT com


Cherie J said...

Please enter me. Thank you!


Susan said...

Please count me in, this sounds great!


Bettina said...

Enter me!

bettinawellmaker at gmail dot com

buzzd said...

Thanks for the great contest!

Kristen said...

Count me in. I love BBW!

HeatherLow said...

Thanks for the giveaway.
poncey76 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

good stuff :-)
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Wendy (Sweetie) said...

Thanks for the great Bath and Bodyworks giveaway!

My email is and my website is

anna douglas said...

I stay at home, too, with my TEN children! We just moved from Kansas - City, that is. We moved to Illinois for my dh's job, making twice as much. Yay! I love Bath and Body Works. Who doesn't?


penneymaried(at)sbcglobal dot net

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great product! I would love to try it - and coupons are always, always welcome! =)

*~Dani~* said...

Great giveaway! Would love a chance to try out the scent station and the coupons are awesome.

Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said...

The items look so tempting. I'd love to win

juan_hurrican (at) yahoo (dot) com

Reva Skie said...

I want my house to smell good

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this, it would make a great Christmas Gift


Vi (pronounced Vy) said...

what a neat giveaway! glad to have you doing your 1st bloggy giveaway! hugs!


Please enter my giveaway!

Kate said...

please and thank you?

ArkieRN said...

please enter me. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Just came across your site and it is wonderful! Would love to be entered in the drawing

Chantelle said...

Thank you for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in as well!

Sue said...

I am always looking for new room fresheners and Bath and Body has such yummy scents.

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