We are trying to cut back our grocery budget just a little more so that we are able to pay off our student loans just that much faster. Sometimes it is a challenge to live different then the rest of our friends, but we know that if we live differently now we will be able to live differently then everyone else in the future and for the rest of our lives. What does just a couple of years matter in the large scheme of things.
Since I was able to stock up on so much last week I will hopefully not need to buy much more then the basics this week. We have been trying to have a beans and rice week 1-2 times a month. We have found that we actually don't get as sick of beans as we thought we would and we stay full longer. Since we are full we don't snack as much and we save money in more ways then one.
Breakfast-Pumpkin flax seed smoothies and fruit
Lunch-Homemade chicken nuggets, peas and fruit
Dinner-3 bean chili (with 1 lb beef to last one week) over rice, carrots, and cornbread
Breakfast-Crock pot oatmeal with bananas and peaches
Lunch-baked potatoes and chili, celery and carrots
Dinner-bean and cheese quesadillas, corn and fruit
Breakfast-Eggs and toast with pear butter
Lunch-Homemade fish sticks, green beans
Dinner-Lentil soup, homemade bread and mixed veggies
Breakfast-Pumpkin flax seed pancakes and fruit
Lunch-Grilled cheese with snuck in sweet potato, tomato soup, carrots
Dinner-Bean and pasta salad with finger veggies and dip
Breakfast-Breakfast burritos and fruit
Lunch-Chicken nuggets, broccoli
Dinner-Taco salad with leftover chili and fruit
Breakfast-"Chocolate" toast (this is what Madison calls cinnamon toast) and yogurt
Dinner-Bean and chicken burritos with grilled zucchini
Breakfast-Fritata with spinach and veggies
Lunch-Family dinner
Dinner-Beans and rice leftovers, mixed steamed California veggies
Whole wheat, applesauce, flax seed, squash, and chocolate chip cookies. These are one of my strange concoctions that actually turned out not half bad. My daughter will eat anything in cookie form. These are also egg free.
Homemade salsa with lots of pureed veggies and chips
Menu sounds good. I have to get back to burritos and quesadillas again, seemed to forget how much we liked them!
Sounds like a yummy week!
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