I kind of enjoyed my shopping trip this week since I had just added the new Cellfire coupons to my Kroger card. You can read about how to do that in my post here. I know it is hard to tell from the picture, but I did get quite a bit. I only spent $52.26 which included diapers, toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, and razors. I was well stocked on veggies, so I could splurge on some other things
Still not as good as Crystal would have done, but not to bad considering I only started hard core coupon shopping a couple of months ago. I really try not to buy too much box food, but sometimes a deal is too good to pass up. I know I can always give it to the food drive at church. We have been challenged to bring something every week.
Here is what I got...
1 4pk Cottonelle
Cellfire cottonelle $.50/1
Total $.49
8 oz beef
On sale for $1.99
2 packs of Trident
Used one BOGO
$.55/1 doubled to $1
Total for 2 $.59
On sale 4/$5
Herbal Essence Shampoo
Herbal Essence Conditioner
eSaver Herbal Essence $2/2
Coupon $3/2
Total for both $1
Total for both $1
1 pk Huggies
Cellfire Huggies $1/1
Coupon $1/1
Total $7.99 I thought it would be $2 less, but my eSaver did not come through
Box Active Lifestyle instant oatmeal
Cellfire FREE Active Lifestyle oatmeal
1 pk Kotex
Cellfire Kotex $1/1
Coupon $1/1
Total $1
12 oz shredded cheese
Mach 3 disposable razorseSaver Gillette $3/1
Coupon $2/1
Total $1.61
Total $1.61
Beef roast
8 oz sandwich meat
1 pack Goldfish crackers
Cellfire Goldfish $.50/1
Total $.50
1.35 lbs organic bananas
8 oz cream cheese
2 Pure Protein bars
Used $1.50/2
Total for 2 $.50
3 cans mandarin oranges
2 cans of peaches
1 can green beans
1 bottle Naturally Preferred water
Cellfire Free bottle Naturally Preferred H2O water
Total FREE
1 jar peanut butter for church food drive
1 jar natural peanut butter
1 onion
vanilla extract
2 bags frozen bell peppers and onion mix
$.25 refund for using my own bags. (Don't forget your bags. It can add up)
Total before coupons $81.90
Total saved with coupons and sales $29.64
Total spent $52.26
I am getting there. I hope to get it down to $50 a week. I still needed milk after this grocery run. Now that the baby is off of formula I can not get away with just a 1/2 gallon a week.
If you are wondering which inserts I got my coupons from check out Hot Coupon World and you can use their coupon database to find out.
This was a good shopping trip. I have a goal for the next 4 weeks. To spend only $35 per week. I have a freezer and pantry full of food, but I still feel compelled to buy the deals. I need to use up stuff, so I am going to put $35 into 4 envelopes--one for each week. After that is gone, no more. I feel like that should be enough for produce, milk, etc. We will see. By the way, I am praying about what we talked about. I have looked at the budget so much that my eyes crossed, and I don't see how it is possible. But, I know all things are possible in God.
Now wait, who says I could do better than that? I can't even figure out how to use e-coupons yet! (Though with your encouragement, I am bound and determined I'm going to try using them this week!)
I think you did a fabulous job, so be encouraged!
Lots of giveaways at this site.
Not bad at all! There are some things it's just hard to find coupons for, like meat, cheese, & produce.
Oh, and the esaver diaper Q is for Pampers, not Huggies.
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